Getting started with Castrolhdl is easy! Just click the «ORDER» button and fill out the registration form on the next page. This step takes a few minutes and is accessible from any device, including your smartphone or tablet. Within 24 hours, our U.S. representatives will contact you to help you choose the perfect plan to meet your needs and to advise you on further questions.
Yes, every owner-operator and carrier working with Castrolhdl is required to operate under their own motor carrier authority. We do not act as a carrier or broker.
We work both with owner-operators with only one truck and with carriers with many company drivers. Our largest client has a fleet of 200+ vehicles.
Working with Castrolhdl has many advantages! You can learn about all of them on the website, but the biggest and most important advantage is the opportunity to save up to 87% in comparison with full-time dispatchers.
Absolutely not! Immediately after signing up, we will have everything you need to get you ready to work and load the load.
You do not have to accept every shipment offered. We do our best to find loads that meet your requirements, but you can refuse any load you don’t want to accept. We recommend that you formulate your requirements and communicate with our dispatchers to save time and save everyone a headache.
No, you are not required to use all of the equipment you have, but we would strongly encourage you to let your dispatcher know about all of the equipment you have in good working order. Sometimes there are deals that are not posted on the message boards that require certain equipment that you may have in stock, and the broker contacts us directly. Typically, these shipments are paid high, and it just helps us to know about your fleet.
Our agent will be in constant contact with you and/or your drivers to get information on their current location and time of arrival to the delivery location. Once we know where you are and where you are headed, we will get to work on finding a suitable load. Once a suitable load is found, our agents will begin gathering information and negotiating rates. We will be sure to contact you for approval of each shipment so that you have nothing to worry about. If you are approved, we will begin the clearance process by completing paperwork packages, requiring insurance certificates, and submitting the necessary documents to the broker. Once the process is complete, we will sign the fare confirmation, direct you or your driver, and send you the original fare confirmation for your records.
Since we are not brokers, we do not double broker by default. Most brokers do not allow double brokering, and even more brokers will not pay a bill if they find out a shipment has been double brokered. We are strictly a dispatch agency representing our carriers and owner-operators. We believe this is the best, fairest and only transparent way to do business.
Once cargo is ordered in the name of the carrier’s company, that same company name is listed by the broker on the rate confirmation, and only you, as the owner of the company, are entitled to receive funds. The money from booked shipments does not go into our operations, but rather an indication of the efficiency of our low commission. We send a weekly invoice to the carrier and receive payment only from the carrier.